
Starcare Hospital attains ISO 14001 certification

Starcare Hospital has become the first hospital in the sultanate to attain ISO 14001 certification for complying with interA[degrees] national standards for environA[degrees] mental management systems, a press release said.

The Starcare group has been an advocate of quality since its incepA[degrees] tion and has been instrumental in benchmarking quality practices in the private healthcare sector. The hospital had attained JCI Accreditation, considered the gold seal of excellence in healthcare, in its very first year of operation.

"Quality and quest for improveA[degrees] ment has become part of our daily routine and our employees are torch bearers of this culture" remarked Dr Mohammed Naseem, CEO, Starcare, while appreciating the efforts of the team in achieving ISO 14001.

International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) is considA[degrees] ered a benchmark for performA[degrees] ance of organisations with subA[degrees] specialties relating to different industries and operational specifiA[degrees] cations. ISO 14001 pertains to international standards for enviA[degrees] ronmental management systems and Starcare hospital is the first to achieve ISO 14001 and among very few hospitals globally.